Why a brand new farm forum when lots of 'em disappeared or landed on Facebook?
- Many farmer pals asked us for a simple, friendly, relaxed place to network again, without an incoming barrage of random posts and ads thrown at us. Just share what you want to. We are coming full circle to a proper forum.
But we have <“insert forum name here”>?
- We have several tractors and phones and hang out at multiple food joints. Why not forums? (by the way, we love thefarmingforum.co.uk, forum4farming.com (all of them really) for their great service to farm community through thick and thin )
- FarmNest is built using the most modern forum software and makes interactions super smooth. Granted, it takes a wee while to get used to.
Is FarmNest free?
- Yes, absolutely and always free for farmer members. We keep it simple and cover the costs from an ad here or there.
How to use FarmNest?
Create an account to make the best use of all the forum features
Discuss on timeless forum topics
Chat in a group or with a person, quick and informal
Invite farmers and farm enthusiasts you know to join the community - the more the merrier!
Please do read FAQ/Guidelines. For any website issues please email support at farmnest dot com